Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Something Sweet ♥

Around Valentine's Day it is always important to cherish that someone special that you are with!

My husband is amazing! He is always supportive no matter how insecure I am myself, full of motivation and drive not only for himself but also for me, constantly making me laugh, encouraging, and loving. I thank God everyday for having such a strong man in my life!

Now, just because Valentine's Day is typically reserved for celebrating finding your true love's kiss, doesn't mean that it can't also be about enjoying sweets and chocolates with your girlfriends!

Just in time for the holiday, my girlfriends and I- shout out to Matilda, Pernilla, and Paulina- decided to get together and bake these delicious "After Eight" brownies. Who said you need a man to get your chocolates? Make them yourself! (And you can share them with your man if you're feeling generous!)

This recipe wasn't too difficult to make, but I had to rely on my girls to tell me what to do since the recipe was in Swedish. I was, however, able to make out what the ingredients were in Swedish with little help! A bit of language progress, learned from grocery shopping! I was also able to find the exact recipe in English today but still with the European measurements. Sorry friends in the States, you'll just have to convert!

These brownies are heavenly, with a touch of mint flavor and filled with richness, this sweet dessert is sure to make you fall in love!

One of my favorite parts of the brownies is the perfect chocolate frosting! My boss is a frosting connoisseur and I can't wait to share this one with her! Ingredients listed below:
  • 120 g Soft Butter
  • 9dl Powder Sugar
  • 1 1/2 dl Cocoa of Good Quality
  • 2 tsk Vanilla Sugar
  • 200 Philadelphia Cream Cheese 
Take my word for it...You are definitely going to want to try this recipe out! Enjoy this sweet treat today! Tomorrow it is back to the gym!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

House Hunting Internationally

Despite the bitter cold temperatures that have dominated the weather in Sweden lately, Paulina and I have taken the habit of going for long walks and looking at some of the larger homes in town. She likes to point out all of her future homes to me.

The homes definitely have a different feel from the ones constructed in the States. Many of the homes are older styles that have been renovated beautifully. The exterior paint colors are a bit more radiate here with the common colors being yellows and reds or whites and blacks.

Take a look for yourself amongst the many photos I took along our last walk at the expense for my poor freezing fingers!

One of my favorite homes with the second story balcony!
Love that there are lots of windows!
Most American-like home that I have seen here.
I enjoy the red details & farm house charm!
I like the sunken garage!
This made me feel like someone important should live in it!
This peaked home sits along the edge of the lake.
New construction that Paulina and I are following!

This is the home that Rob and I have been staying in the upstairs apartment. It is beautiful home, and Lars & Agnita have been amazing hosts!