I can't believe that my time here in Sweden has almost come to an end. When I first got here, time moved a lot slower. At first I was homesick but as time moved on, I started to love living here with Rob, new friends, and in the new culture we were learning about. Nassjo became a second home and to have to say good bye to this chapter in our lives is a sad thing to do.
Happily, I have been able to fill my last month here with fun events and adventures.

Rob and I were able to take our trip to Rome, and it was everything we could hope for! We had numerous romantic evenings eating multiple courses until we could barely walk to our hotel. Luckily, the place we stayed was a block away from the metro, making trips to Vatican City, the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, the market places and other stops extremely easy to get to. Being able to explore Rome with my husband was a dream come true. Check out my Facebook page for more photos of our trip!
This month we have also been able to spend a good amount of time with friends.

Rob and I even got to see the Hunger Games here in Nassjo with friends. It was funny to see the difference in an opening night event here versus in our hometown in Michigan. In Brighton, the theater was sold out for midnight showings, here we were some of the only people there. Nonetheless, the movie was great and of course the company was even better.
On Saturday, I was able to watch Rob play for one last time while here. I also went to Before Basket at the Hotel with friends where we ate and chatted before the game started. We all then went on to the game, and the team built a commanding lead. Rob had some nice dunks in the game too! The opposing team is from a nearby city so there has always been a rivalry, so at times the game was pretty intense. Afterwards, we all headed out for a great dinner at Matlyckan.
Although I am going back before the playoff games, I am excited to watch their stats online. Let's go Nassjo Highlanders!

In preparing to go home, I know there are many things to be excited for such as seeing our families, being back in our own home, having my own cooking tools, eating American foods, getting back to work, being able to drive, and more. But I must say, I am sad to leave this town behind with new friends, a new routine, walks around the lake, strolling into town everyday, the culture, and the simplicity of our lives here.
I know I will never forget the time that I spent here with Rob. Hopefully in the future, we will be able to come back to Nassjo.