Friday, January 27, 2012

The Pace of Time

There is the hustle of bustle of the United States and then there is the pace of the Europeans, who seem to value time in a different way.

Many Americans agree with the statement, "Time is money." At work, I completely agree. I am type A personality working in a time sensitive position. I work more hours because, to me, you work until the job is done. But one thing we, as Americans, struggle with is realizing that when you leave work, the pace of time should change. We need to cherish the time after work so that we can enjoy family and friends, take part in hobbies, and just love life in general.

What I see in Sweden is that time moves more slowly. No one here is ever rushing; they move at their own pace. At lunch, we dine at the Hotel and see many business lunches there. I've noticed that no one seems stressed in these occasions and no one is consistently checking their watches. Yes, most people here have smart phones, especially the iPhone, but it isn't their lifeline to the world as it is in the States.

Now, on the other side, when time is passing at your own pace, being prompt might not always happen. Rob and I have noticed in Sweden that if a person is suppose to be somewhere at a certain time, plan on them being there exactly as the clock changes or being late. For example, for Rob's basketball away games they have to be at the gym at say 8:00am because that is when the bus is suppose to leave. A majority will show up at 8:00am exactly, while in the States if we have an 8:00am leaving time for a game day bus, I'd be there at 7:40am.

As a final note and something to keep in mind: when time is all about productively, it isn't always appreciated. We need to remember to slow down and enjoy life whether it is at work, after hours, or on the weekend. Take a break for coffee and relax. Some of your best ideas could come from it!


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