Friday, December 9, 2011

Is Santa A Gnome?

Every culture has unique ways to celebrate the holidays and different traditions to share. Christmas in Sweden is no exception.

Sweden differs from the States in many ways. Instead of celebrating on Christmas day, it is actually Christmas Eve when they open gifts and feast on a delicious dinner. Instead of putting up lights all around outside, they put lit candles and illuminated stars in their windows, and every Sunday of the month, they light a candle until Christmas when they can light the final one!

And instead of jolly ole Saint Nick, Santa is a gnome... or at least he looks like one.

All around town, Santa gnomes can be spotted in the windows. I have been enjoying these comical figures very much and have been asking Rob if we could get one to bring home. He agreed that they are pretty cute and then when I mentioned how funny this version of Santa was, he refused to believe it! 
"That is not Santa, that is a holiday gnome!"
I assured him,
"No babe, that's suppose to be Santa."
We asked one of our friends, who confirmed that it was indeed Santa, but Rob decided that this friend just didn't understand the question. When friend number two said that it was Santa, Rob just decided that they were wrong and that was the end of that.

It is funny how traditions become so important to us. We grow fond memories around our childhood and we stick with them. Holiday gnome may be coming home with us, but Swedish Santa will stay in Nassjo.


  1. I didn't realize you were in Sweden! Very cute way to update your family and friends. I did the same thing when I moved to DC, but Sweden is way cooler :) Hope all is well! xoxox

  2. The original Scandinavian Santa ("Nisse") is a gnome who does pranks, can be rude, live in the farm buildings, protects the family and the farm animals from evil spirits. Every farm had their unique Nisse, and he had to be treated well especially at Christmas (or Yule)-time. The Scandinavian (North European, heathen) Santa did not give presents to children.
    The Anglo-American-catholic Santa was introduced in Norway around 1850. This Santa is "St. Nicolas" that gives presents to children

    Our Santa today is often a mix between the two, a gnome that give presents
