Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learning the Language

I'm approaching on living in Sweden for two months, and I have to admit that I have picked up very little of the language. Most people here speak English very well and are eager to practice. Without the pressure to learn, it hasn't become a priority despite the fact I wish I could! Luckily not all the signage requires words to figure it out.

The younger guys speak English the easiest and have little trouble understanding what Rob and I are saying to them. Girls seem to be more timid and speak carefully, trying not to say the wrong thing.

I am just so grateful that they are willing to talk to me in English! I'd be lost without that. Since we didn't have much notice about coming here, we didn't get a chance to try to learn anything before we came.

Rob has picked up on more than me so far. He had a small head start since he spent time here last year, but I have noticed that it also flows a bit easier for him, and he is more brave in trying new words. Just like the Swedish girls, I get shy and nervous when I try to say something. It feels so strange!I've noticed that the Swedish language has a lot more levels than English which I find a lot more one dimensional. Sometimes I feel my head moving up a down as I try to pronounce certain words!

The other night two of my girlfriends here,  Paulina and Carolin, spent part of the evening trying to help me pick up some important and basic phrases. Type A personality girl here, made up a list including the English version, the Swedish version, and then wrote it out phonetically.

Try out a few of the most basic phrases below: 
  • How are you? = Hur mår du? (Her more do) 
  • I am good = Jag mär bra (J-o-g more bra) 
  • Please = Snälla (S-nell-a)
  • Thank you = Tack (Tock)
  • Bye = Hej dä (Hey dough)
So for now.... Hej dä!